Microfinance in New York City

Microfinance has been working very well in the developing world as a way to support people in creating better opportunities for themselves and their communities by providing a small amount of money for projects. People who would otherwise be rejected for a loan can qualify for a microloan and then use that money to start a business.

Now programs in New York City are helping people in poverty start small business to better themselves.

Fortunately, she found Project Enterprise. The $1,500 loan she received allowed her to get a license and purchase the equipment to start grooming pets in her apartment. With this increased offering of services, the income of Bridgette’s business more than doubled. She has already taken out a second loan to buy equipment to let her handle more pets, and is now planning for her third loan, to take the next step and expand into an actual storefront

Read more at the blog of the Grameen Foundation.

Green Romance

Today is Valentine’s Day and I hope you are all celebrating in a green and fun way!

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to make your romantic day more romantic and earth-friendly check out these tips:

Send eco-friendly wild-crafted flowers.
Eco-friendly florists use organic greenhouses and farms that support sustainable, chemical-free growing practices. Green florists also aqrecycle and use minimal packaging in their shops. Ask your neighborhood florist about eco-friendly wild-crafted flowers, native potted plants and local bouquets—or visit EcoFlora.ca or SierraEco.com to place an online order.

Read more green dating tips.

More Cyclists = Safer Cyclists

In a recent report from the City of Minneapolis (recently voted the best city in the US to ride), data shows that the more cyclists are on the roads, the fewer the collisions there are between cars and bikes.

For 2008, the most recent year for which complete data were available, the crash rate was one-quarter that of 10 years earlier. Moreover, a trend line shows a steady decrease in the crash rate even as the number of commuting cyclists more than doubled.

These findings are consistent with other cities too!

It squares with a 2003 analysis on biking and walking in two California cities. “A person is less likely to collide with a person walking or biking if more people walk or bicycle,” public health consultant Peter Jacobsen wrote in the journal Injury Prevention.

So if you want to feel safer on your bike, get your friends on the road too!

Read the whole article at The Star Tribune.

5 Easy Ways to Recycle Electronics

In the 21st century we tend to use a lot of electronics and to save the planet we should dispose of electronics properly. Lucky for us, LifeHacker has made a list of easy ways to recycle electronics.

Many towns, cities, counties, and states have their own e-cycling programs that offer convenient drop-off locations for old computers, big monitors, and other electronics. The EPA suggests a cluster of search sites for helping you find a local ecycling program, including EcoSquid and the Consumer Electronics Association’s MyGreenElectronics. And beyond the picks you see below, the EPA has a grid list of consumer-friendly e-cycling programs from stores and manufacturers.

Read more at LifeHacker.

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