CSIRO Produces DHA

lookingJoanne Bush has written us to let us know about DHA producing plants that can make us healthier.

“I can’t find a date on this page, so I don’t know how new this news is, but CSIRO, our national scientific research organisation here in Australia, has developed plants that produce DHA. Traditionally, this long-chain omega 3 fatty acid was only available from “lower plant forms” like microalgae (and more famously from the fish that feed on them).

The benefits include:
– Yet another reason why vegan doesn’t equal compromised health, &
– Reduced pressure on declining fish resources worldwide.”

I had no idea what DHA is, but wikipedia tells us all about DHA.

Power, Water, and Refrigeration From One Source

A product of American military research is something that can actually help people. The army wants it to save money, but aid organizations can use it to save people. A new system that can fit on a truck can provide drinking water, electricity, and even refrigeration. The device is clever because it reuses energy that would otherwise be waster, making it more useful and efficient.

“The engineering researchers’ solution: a small system that ties a novel gas turbine power plant to a heat-operated refrigeration system. The refrigeration makes the gas turbine more efficient, while also producing cool air and potable water. The turbine can run on conventional fossil fuels as well as biomass-produced fuels or hydrogen.”

This would be amazing to have in disaster relief situations.

Nutrition Facts & Calorie Counter

apple Ever wondered what you are putting in your mouth? I know I have and now I can find out using NutritionData. At the site you can find out what foods are best for your health or for weight loss.

It presents the information in very visual manner making it easy to understand how much fat something really has.

This is one place you can compare apples and oranges

Greenpeace’s McVictory

mcvictory Greenpeace is reporting great success in their campaign to get McDonald’s to better respect the environment. This is really great for the rainforest!

“In recent years, the seemingly unstoppable expansion of soya farming in the Amazon had become one of the main threats to the world’s largest rainforest. The soya wasn’t being used to feed the world; instead it was used to feed farm animals destined for fast food and supermarket chains across Europe.”

The campaign to get McDonald’s to change their destructive was launched only in April of this year. The name of the campaign is rather witty – Eating up the Amazaon.

“The result is that McDonald’s and other big food retailers have worked with us to develop a zero deforestation plan. The plan will also help bring an end to the land-grabbing and social injustice that is rife in the Amazon.”

Organic Farming Degree Offered

Washington State University has started accepting students for their organic farming degree program. This is a first in the USA, sure two other universities offer courses in organic farming, Colorado State and Michigan State, but offering a degree is new.

“WSU has high hopes for its new organic-agriculture major, both to attract new students and meet a growing demand for experts in organic farming. In the new Organic Agriculture Systems major, students will study subjects like weed science and entomology, work on the organic farm and can specialize further in areas such as organic farm economics.

The major, announced last month, drew a handful of students immediately; a university study predicts the program eventually will have about 40 people enrolled at any one time.”

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