Better Block is Bettering Cities

The Better Block initiative was started in Dallas, Texas as a rapid urban revitalization project of an underused, nearly abandoned block of  old buildings along an old streetcar line.  They project takes the “pop-up” business model to completely revitalise old city blocks with storefronts, community events, and cafés, and sustainable transportation (like bikes and streetcars)!   By combating out-of-date laws, re-purposing unused space, and connecting with engaged citizens, the Better Block has spread to multiple cities in the USA.

Watch an energized, exciting, and inspiring talk by Jason Roberts (who started The Better Block) from TEDxOU (Oklahoma University):

Thanks to urbanvelo and Upworthy for posting the original story!

Get Fourth Wall on Tour and Online

Dave Meslin is a Toronto based awesome dude that wants to make Toronto a better place, and now he and the Fourth Wall team want to bring something cool to your town. The Fourth Wall exhibit was a project that looked at ways to get people more engaged in their local civic life. It was really great and puts on display some easy low-resistance ways that cities can get people better involved in improving the city.

Here’s a TEDx talk that Meslin gave that explores his inspiration for Fourth Wall:

For three months in 2011, “The Fourth Wall” exhibit explored 36 ideas about how to make city politics more accessible, inviting, relevant & participatory.

The response to the show was overwhelming.  Now the the exhibit is on tour, and we need funds for transportation and installations!  The exhibit also needs an online home complete with downloadable PDFs, videos, tour schedule, media links, scorecard, photo gallery etc,

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