We keep kicking wildlife out of their homes, and it’s time to reverse that process. We need to invite wild animals back into the places they used o live, this is known as rewilding. The most celebrated rewilding effort was done in Yellowstone when wolves were reintroduced into the park, which led to a much healthier ecosystem. Now, there are places all around the world trying to return their parks and natural areas back to their pre-industrial prime. In Scotland they are looking to make rewilding a national effort.
He explains that they are urging all political parties to commit to five different measures to protect nature and boost the economy:
- Commit to rewilding 30 per cent of public land.
- Establish a community fund to support rewilding in towns and cities.
- Backing the reintegration of keystone species such as rehoming beavers and reintroducing the Eurasian Lynx where there is local support.
- Create a coastal zone where dredging and trawling are not permitted
- Introduce a plan to control deer populations, allowing land to recover from overgrazing.
The Scottish public is behind the idea too. Last year the SWA commissioned a poll across Scotland which found widespread support for the principle of rewilding. More than three-quarters of people who expressed an opinion backed the concept, ten times as many as those who objected to it.
Read more.
Thanks to Craig!