Congestion Charging

“Complete idiots” will be charged more in London. To be more exact, the city of London has decided to charge a higher congestion fee for SUVs. According to the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, SUV drivers are “complete idiots”.

The reasoning behind this move to charge SUVs more is rather elaborate. One of the reasons is that it was recently found that in the US 11.5% of pedestrians hit by SUVs are killed, smaller vehicles kill only 4.5% of pedestrians hit. Londoners also are fans of SUVS, 14.9% of car sales are SUVS, which is much higher than other English cities. Drivers of vehicles more friendly to the environment will have a reduced congestion fee.

London’s congestion fee has been wildly successful and hopefully this addition to it will be too.

Pearl Jam Jams Carbon Emissions

The band Pearl Jam are some environmental do-gooders! They are not only continuing their program of offsetting their carbon emissions from touring, they are expanding it!

“This year we expanded their program to encompass a broader range of clean air solutions. In addition to the Carbon Portfolio Strategy, we are working to offset carbon emissions from their 2006 US tour by using B100 – pure bio-diesel – in all production trucks and in our tour buses. B100 reduces emissions of carbon monoxide by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide by 78% on a net lifecycle basis. In contrast to fossil fuels, which release new carbon previously sequestered in the earth’s crust, the carbon in B100 emissions is recycled from carbon already present in the atmosphere.”

Pearl Jam does a lot of good for the environment and the world as a whole, you can find out more on their activism on their website.

Gitmo Gives in to Geneva

There are some news items that I debate about posting, this is one of them. The good news is that Washington has finally said they are going to treat the detainees at Guantánamo Bay as humans and treat them in accordance of the Geneva Convention.

The reason I’m hesitant posting that this is good news is because people should never have been treated like this in the first place. For a developed nation that purports to spread freedom to treat people this way is just wrong. Overall though it is good that they will now treat detainees well.

“The US today reversed policy when it said all detainees at Guantánamo Bay and all other prisoners in US military custody were entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions.
The Bush administration had previously claimed terrorism suspects were “non-combatants” because they were fighting for a sect or faction and not a state and were therefore not subject to the Geneva conventions.”

Of course, this has something to with Gitmo a No-Go With Supreme Court-o

Scientists Study the Mushroom Trip

Psilocybe MushroomsIn a scientific study reminiscent of 1960’s era experimentation, researchers are delving into the effects of psylocibe mushrooms on human consciousness, the CBC reports.

The research has shown more clearly than any previous research that psilocybin produces mystical experiences in the user. 36 volunteers were tested in this modern scientific experiment, and months later they reported lasting changes in behavior as a result of the experience.

The scientists are hopeful that more research into this area will help people to deal with a number of problems such as emotional trauma and addiction.

The researchers advise against experimenting on one’s own with the drugs, as they can lead to extremely frightening experiences.

Sod Off!

sod wheelSome enterprising grad students at Dalhousie in Halifax, Nova Scotia, have taken the park on the road. The architecture students were exploring the concept of public and green space and came up with this groovy way to always walk on the grass!

“”We’re looking at the idea of green space in the city,” said grad student Kevin James. “Even in the Public Gardens, you’re not allowed to walk on the grass.”

Halifax Downtown Coun. Dawn Sloane says they’re right, except for the Public Gardens statement. In fact, playing on the grass is allowed in the children’s area, but the problem is nobody knows about it.

“I think our biggest issue right now is that not only is our green space being utilized for some of the wrong reasons, but they’re under- utilized by the communities, and we do need more,” she said.”

The concept isn’t perfect because when the sod is over your head dirt falls on you. If the concept really dries up then maybe they’ll turn it into a hot tub.

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