Toronto Hosts 16th Annual Aids Conference

aidsstatue.jpgThis year Toronto is the proud host of the largest HIV/AIDS conference in the world. Beginning this Sunday, the event will have an estimated 20,000 participants and wil include such keynote speakers as Bill Clinton and Bill and Melinda Gates (who recently donated $500 Million dollars to the global fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria).

People venture from all over the world to attend the conference which includes a film festival of HIV/AIDS-themed movies, related visual art and photography exhibitions, poetry and prose readings, theatrical performances, author sessions and panel discussions. There will also be art events in galleries and museums all around the city and live performances by Alicia Keys, Barenaked Ladies, Blue Man Group and many others. It is awesome to have this event happening in our own city and may not be back in Toronto again for a long time. So go on out this week and share in the awareness.

Alley Jaunt

garageThis weekend in Toronto Alley Jaunt is happening. It’s an event that looks at local art in local garages and a chance to go down laneways and alleys that you might normally ignore. Run by some local artists, the event wants to bring the community of Trinty Bellwoods and artists together.

“Follow the path of chalk drawings and flags to guide you to the participating garages and join the local community in turning these private spaces into public gatherings!”

Be sure to check the pictures from last year. (I can’t link to it because their site uses frames.)


copyleftCan you believe has been sharing good news with ya’ll for a whole year??? It only seems proper that in celebration we throw you a great big party!!!

The event is called GOOD! and is happening on August 26th. The night will feature awesome Toronto bands and artists!


Have fun!

Man Grows Furniture, Art From Living Trees

It’s called arborsculpture, and Richard Reames has been doing it for years. He plants trees in patterns, and uses bending and grafting techniques to form the saplings into benches, staircases, sculptures, and an assortment of other amazing living things.

I believe that if enough people put their minds to using living trees, we can learn to grow houses. I believe that if we put our minds to it, like going to the moon, there’s no reason we couldn’t all be living in houses where the walls and ceilings are composed of living tree material and there are leaves coming out of the roof. We could accomplish this in one generation. We’d build doorways and windows that the trees would grow around, and also plumbing and electrical conduits. The trees would just swallow all the pipes. We’re going to call this “arbortecture.”

You’ve just got to see the pictures in this article!

Musicians In New Orleans Build A Village

A 23-year-old saxophone player named Dan Oestreicher and other fellow residents of the Ninth Ward in New Orleans have come together with Habitat For Humanity to build a “Musicians Village”. The new housing program aims to provide affordable housing for victims of last years hurricaine as well as to bring together the musicians in the area. The concept was dreamed into frution with the help of Harry Connick Jr and sax player Branford Marsalis. The only catch is that they have to help build it! They must spend 350 hours pounding nails and cutting drywall, and the result will be a community based in commradere and good tunes!

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