Robo-Jacket can Help Heal

Robo jacket (pic from robotic jacket has been designed to help patients suffering from paralysis heal. By using compressed air the jacket can help strengthen the upper body as the patient recovers. This thing looks neat and I like to think that one day this technology can help with my knee pain.

Sensors at the elbow and wrist allow a healthy arm to control the eight artificial muscles, which are powered by compressed air, on the paralyzed side.

A Nice Day for a Green Wedding

Weddings are a big event for some people and these big events can have big effects on the environment. Luckily there are ways to have an eco-friendly wedding!

Most people spend more on a wedding than they will spend on any one thing besides a car or a house. Talk about using your dollars to make a difference! Having a green wedding will definitely send a message to suppliers that we want better, more responsible ways to live.

Reading Women in India Empowered

In India, a literacy campaign has done great work helping women learn to read and write. As a result of this campaign women are becoming more empowered in Indian society.

India’s Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) used a new system by making local administrators and community organisations – not central bureaucrats – responsible for implementation. What has been TLC’s lasting impact on the women who administered the programme, worked as volunteer teachers and were taught literacy and numeracy skills.

On Sharing and Trusting and Couchsurfing…

I was mentioning to a friend yesterday the website My friend is a professor of intercultural counselling so she’s pretty cool. But being American her response was wow you’d really have to trust someone to do that. She sounded very reticent. I’m Canadian. My reply was, “Yes, imagine a world in which people can trust and share.” I sounded like a bit cheeky.

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