No passport? No problem!

To any of you who waited in line, for hours, hoping to get your passport in time for the air travel restrictions: maybe you wasted your time. Maybe you could have picked a place that did not require much more than your picture identification.

You could have gone to the following tourist hot spots, places so relaxed about life that it’s almost a sure bet that people in these countries never line up for hours, empty coffee cup in hand, wanting to go to the bathroom but afraid to lose your spot.

Maybe next time you will listen to the media reports. Maybe you got your passport in time, and will congratulate yourself for all the hard work you did lining up, and get some hard-earned relaxation done.

Easy Ways to Make Other People Happy

I’m happy to tell everyone about the Happiness Project which is a blog about one thing: happiness. On the site is a list of five simple things that you can do to make other people have a great day!

Often, the nicest gift isn’t something that can be purchased. We don’t always have time to perform a heroic act of thoughtfulness, but even quick good deeds can make a difference.

This just shows that small things can make a world of difference.

Via Lifehacker

Good news for the lonely…

If you need a good laugh here’s a piece of news to warm your heart, especially in the Valentines season… These are the funniest personal ads you’ll ever see and they’re posting in an English newspaper. Let me give you a sample:

Shy, ugly man, fond of extended periods of self-pity, middle aged, flatulent and overweight, seeks the impossible.

Eager-to-please woman, 36, seeks domineering man to take advantage of her flagging confidence. Tell me I’m pretty, then watch me cling.

Good news is never too late

I had to chuckle at this good news piece. A lady in England gets a note from the battle front. He was fighting on the Western Front in November 1917. It was sent to her mother but lost in transit and delivered now, 90 years late. Not particularly valuable news intrinsicly but the fact that a news producer had less space left for bad news makes it good enough for me.

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