Plastic Bag Banning

Plastic bags are bad for the environment (video link) and people are taking notice. We already know that at least one town has banned plastic bags and at least one city is trying to replace plastic bags with organic ones.

Kenya is thinking of taxing bags while more places and cities want to get rid of them too.

Thanks to MeFi for some the links.

I’m Here to Rob You, er Get a Hug

This is really bizarre and the first time I have ever posted something like this on Things Are Good. This story shows how being unexpectedly nice can save the day. A man with a gun decided to rob a house, but ended up leaving after he got a group hug. A family in Washington D.C. were having dinner with friends in their backyard when a man showed up uninvited with a gun intent on robbing the place. The robber’s plans changed when the host of the dinner offered him a glass of wine…

The intruder had a sip of their Chateau Malescot St-Exupery and said, “Damn, that’s good wine.”

The girl’s father, Michael Rabdau, 51, told the intruder to take the whole glass, and Rowan offered him the whole bottle.

The robber, with his hood down, took another sip and a bite of Camembert cheese. He put the gun in his sweatpants.

The story then turns even more bizarre.

“I think I may have come to the wrong house,” he said before apologizing. “Can I get a hug?”

Rowan, who works at her children’s school and lives in Falls Church, Va., stood up and wrapped her arms around the armed man. The four other guests followed.

Less Corruption in Developing Nations

More often than not, rich countries state that they’ll only give aid to countries with ‘good governance,’ whatever that means. To me it seems like a vague term, nonetheless this vague term is now more vaguely applied – and that’s a good thing!

The World Bank, which itself suffers from not-so-good governance, has released a report saying that good governance is on the rise and corruption is on its way out in developing nations. This means that more nations are qualified to receive more aid if they want to.

Reflecting on the report’s findings, Kaufmann added: “The good news is that some countries, including the poorest ones in Africa, are showing to the world that it is possible to make substantial inroads to improve governance.”

A Reader Comments About Women

A reader, Krissy, left a comment yesterday on a previous post Women Change the World. I think that the comment needs some special attention and have copied/pasted it here for your reading pleasure:

I have more good news about how women are working to change the world!

Women of Global Action against Human Trafficking

On Sunday, July 1st, approximately one hundred women gathered at Silverlake Community Church in Los Angeles for an evening conference hosted by Women of Global Action (see The event was organized for women of faith to explore the subject of human trafficking and included a panel of experts who are working to stop sex trafficking at global and local levels.

The 2006 Trafficking in Persons Report issued by the U.S. State Department estimates that as many as 27 million people, mostly women and children, are being trafficked at any given time for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and bonded labor. In addition, according to a report from 2004, as many as 800,000 people are being trafficked across our national border each year.

The event was hosted by Women of Global Action (WOGA) and produced by LA LOVES ( with the goal of educating their constituency about this epidemic and providing tangible actions for participants to take in order to take a stand against trafficking and the commercial sex industry.

Women of Global Action has active networks throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. Their networks in both Burma and Ethiopia are actively working to combat sex trafficking.

Organizations taking part in the evening were:

• Trade as One who sell products made by ex-trafficked women in order to provide an alternative income,
• NightLight who run a business in Bangkok that provides women from the commercial sex industry an alternative life of making jewelry,
• Tiny Stars who provide law enforcement with on-the-ground agents who collect evidence of US citizens engaging in child prostitution abroad,
• The Salvation Army’s Safe Refuge Project which partners with churches to raise awareness on these issues and which fights the commercial sex industry,
• After Hours who work among the pimps and prostitutes on the streets of LA,
• LA Loves who use the arts to educate and inspire action.

Practical steps of action taken as a result of what people learned that evening were:

• Buying products made by people released from trafficking – Over $1,500 was bought on the night,
• Donating to extend the work of NightLight in Bangkok where 75 women are employed and where a waiting list for employment exists – one person donated a month’s salary for a woman at NightLight,
• Signing up for more training on how to combat the commercial sex industry and reach those in it in LA,
• 11 new women joined the Women of Global Action: LA Chapter as a way to unite themselves with other women in their city who are concerned with justice issues impacting young women globally.

Nathan George, founder of Trade as One commented: “The subject of exploiting the poor and vulnerable for the purposes of rape for profit is one of the most emotive subjects today, made all the more important because of the sheer scale of the industry. More people are trafficked today than in all of the 400 years of the transatlantic slave trade. 80% of them are women and children, and the majority are for the purposes of sexual exploitation. Combating a trade as large and powerful as this requires much wider general awareness not just of the issues but more specifically of tangible actions that can be taken by ordinary people to stop it. What WOGA and LA Loves put on tonight was a beautiful snapshot of exactly the sort of awareness building and practical action that is needed all around the country. We were very privileged to be a part of it and hope that many more like it take place in the coming months.”

“The small role that Trade as One want to play is to create a route to market in America for the products made by those released from trafficking in order to allow businesses like NightLight in Bangkok to flourish. Our focus is on selling products that provide the poor with dignified jobs that keep them out of the clutches of the traffickers.”

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