Sleeping on the Job

Metronap.jpgWe drink cup after cup of coffee or tea, take pills, and push ourselves to be “productive”.  But a practice that most companies frown upon, at least in North America, is the afternoon nap.  A municipal office in Bangkok is allowing employees the right to rest.

Of 200 employees at the municipal office, there are about 20 regular nappers who have reported feeling “fresher and brighter” after a midday snooze, says Surakiet Limcharoen, the top official who started the program.

In the meantime, what can employees do, who aren’t encouraged to nap?  Perhaps try healthy ways to wake up, or check for napping places in your city.

GM, Killer of Electric Car to Make Electric Car

After being accused of killing the electric car, General Motors has decided to make another electric car. The Chevy Volt is the name and getting plugged in is its game.

“The Volt has a battery-powered electric motor that can run the car for up to 40 city miles on a single charge. Beyond that, a gasoline-powered, one-liter, three-cylinder engine can generate electricity to power the car and replenish the battery, with a range of up to 640 miles, GM said.”

Look at the Cosmos in 2007

What’s Up 2007 – 365 Days of Skywatching is a free e-book that can guide you to the stars this year. The e-book is desgined to help experienced and inexperienced people find the stars for fun viewing. If you like, you can also order a printed copy.

Each day is specifically geared to give you the best of what can be seen with the unaided eye, binoculars, and small telescopes and even has challenge objects for seasoned observers. It’s beautifully illustrated and contains many special features, such as anotated lunar maps.”

Via /.

In 2007 it’s Easy Being Green

MSNBC has collected ten simple things that you can you do to make the world a little greener and a little better.

These really are small, simple, and everyday things that you can do to make the world a better place, so I encourage everyone to give it a try!

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