Bush Protects Environment???

With all the stories lately about the U.S. president avoiding important environmental issues, this recent news is a truely refreshing change. President George W Bush has recently established the largest protected marine area in the World, in Hawaii. The Northwestern Hawaiian Island Marine National Monument stretches 2,600 kilometers across the central Pacific Ocean and is home to a variety of species that are not found anywhere else on the planet. It is also the largest and healthiest coral-reef system in the United States.

Protection of the area will ensure that unauthorized passage of ships will be prohibited, as well as unauthorized recreational or commercial activity, removal of coral wildlife minerals and other resources or waste dumping.

Fun GM Hy-wire Video

The GM Hy-wire is a leap forward for a car manufacture insofar that it is a total rethink of the automobile. The main factor is that the engine is non internal combustion and can power half a block of houses with its hydrogen engine.

Here’s a video of the fun auto show Top Gear describing the neatness of the car (fast forward to the 1 min mark).

U.S. Supreme Court to Decide on Global Warming

I was shocked when I read that the United State’s supreme court is set to hear a case about global warming. Of course this obviously good because it forces some accountability on Bush’s administration, especially since he promised to curb CO2 emissions, but has failed to deliver. The court case basically concerns whether or not the government has the responsibility to ensure clean air, particularly the Environmental Protection Agency.

“The decision to hear the case sets up a legal showdown over President George W. Bush’s controversial position on global warming and his apparent reversal on the issue of regulating carbon dioxide.

The plaintiffs believe that the environmental and economic threats from climate change merit aggressive action by the federal government.

The Clean Air Act gives the EPA ample authority to regulate any air pollutant that threatens human health, they argue, and carbon dioxide – as the leading greenhouse gas linked to global warming – clearly fits into that category.”

Spain to Donate to MDGs

The Millennium Development Goals are still being strived for and Spain will support this effort by donating 1.2 billion dollars. This is great to see that nations are still interested in promoting the MDGs, and let’s not forget that mayors are all about the MDG.

“Pajin said the agreement represents “a very important advance in quality and quantity, but there is still a long way to go.”

Herfkens said it was the first time in history that human had resources, knowledge and consensus to end poverty, but he added that not all nations were fulfilling their aid promises.

The UN official praised Spain for paying more attention to the developing nations, especially those in Africa, to help them meet the Goals.”

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