Good Self Improvement Involves Psychic Suffering


The self improvement industry is worth $10 billion dollars and rising. Greedy vultures flock to the industry to try to seperate people who are looking to better their lives from their money. Too many people are trying to make money rather than help others. Such a realization led one author to explore what industry “experts” get wrong. The hard truth about good self improvement exercises is that they won’t be fun, they’ll force you to question assumptions about you and the world you live in.

It took me a long time to accept the fact that just because something can be improved in my life, does not mean that it should be improved in my life.
The improvement is not the problem, it’s the WHY that’s motivating the improvement that matters. When one compulsively looks to improve oneself, without any greater cause or reason driving it other than self-aggrandizement, it leads to a life of immense self-preoccupation, a light and beneficent form of narcissism where one’s constant attention and focus is on oneself.
And ironically, this will probably make your life worse off

Read more.

Posturing for Success

Getting ahead in your career can be greatly influenced by your posture and for your self-esteem. Good posture makes you feel more confident and other people can pick up on that. So sit up straight and walk tall!

In simple terms, posture breeds empowerment, Galinsky said.

Timea Wharton, owner of Turning Point Fitness, a Toronto fitness studio, believes proper posture is not only important for overall physical health but also for mental and emotional well-being.

Wharton, who teaches proper posture in her yoga, Pilates and dance classes, found that when she was going for job interviews, potential employers commented on how good her posture was.

“Posture creates confidence, projects success. . . If you’re slouching, it shows you are insecure, unsure,” Wharton told the Star.

Galinsky agrees.

“Posture does make a difference. How you sit and how you stand will have an affect on how you are perceived.”

Read the full article.

Keep Learning for a Good Life

For some reasons that I don;t understand people find learning to be dull. If you’re one of those people this post is for you!

Learning is a great way to keep your mind active and acquire new skills to improve your life and ways you don’t necessarily foresee. There’s always areas that you can expand your knowledge in and lucky for us someone has put these into a handy blog post.

Here’s a snippet:

Challenge Yourself
Finally, give yourself a challenge or two. Next time you say, “I can’t”, stop and think. Maybe you really can’t cook … yet. There’s nothing stopping you learning.
Sure, you might find that you just don’t enjoy cooking. But at least you’ll know that you could put together a meal if you had to.
We start at a zero skill level for everything in life. Just because you can’t currently play the piano doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to. With the internet, there’s a huge amount of content on every topic you can think of – and loads of it will be aimed at beginners.

Keep reading and learning at the source.

Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Feeling self-confident feels good and there’s no reason why you should lack confidence because you, dear reader, are pretty awesome! I recently stumbled across a list of 63 ways to build self-confidence that are simple and easy to do.

  • Take yourself off auto-pilot – make deliberate decisions on what really matters to you.
    Next time you come up against a risk or a challenge, listen to what you tell yourself and look for a way that that inner dialog can be improved. Ask yourself, “What would make this easier?”
  • Scared of looking silly? You and everyone else. It’s no biggie so don’t let it stop you. Say it with me – “It just doesn’t matter.”
  • Don’t think for a second that you can’t be confident. There are already loads of things you do with natural self-confidence, you just have to notice them and get familiar with how it feels. Look for the things you do where the question of whether you’re confident enough never arises.
  • Read all 63 ways to boost your self confidence at Life Hack.

    Collection of Talks for Inspirational Self-Improvement

    Nobody is perfect and everybody can improve their life, the hard part is doing it. Lucky for us Select Courses has a list of 100 talks for self-improvement on topics like how to better respect the environment to relationships and society.

    These days, it’s hard to get motivated enough for anything. The economy is down, your savings–if you had any to start with–have probably dwindled, and it’s still easy to get depressed about the housing market, the environment, foreign policy, and even the possibility of sending your kids to college. But that’s exactly why we need inspiration and mood boosters at any cost. Luckily for you, these are free.

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