How to Train Your Husband Like a Dolphin

A brilliant animal trainer named Amy Sutherland has been using animal training techniques on her husband with great results!

She’s learned how to train wild animals, and is applying the same techniques to her husband Scott. She says her marriage is happier and smoother than it was before, and best of all, she doesn’t have to nag!

I hope this one helps smooth over a few rough marriages!

Scientists Study the Mushroom Trip

Psilocybe MushroomsIn a scientific study reminiscent of 1960’s era experimentation, researchers are delving into the effects of psylocibe mushrooms on human consciousness, the CBC reports.

The research has shown more clearly than any previous research that psilocybin produces mystical experiences in the user. 36 volunteers were tested in this modern scientific experiment, and months later they reported lasting changes in behavior as a result of the experience.

The scientists are hopeful that more research into this area will help people to deal with a number of problems such as emotional trauma and addiction.

The researchers advise against experimenting on one’s own with the drugs, as they can lead to extremely frightening experiences.

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