5 “Unusual” Reasons to be Vegetarian

A blogger has outlined the top reasons that he’s vegetarian. Like me, he loved to BBQ when he ate meat, but now the thought isn’t so appetizing. His reasons for being vegetarian are nearly identical to mine, so hopefully he can convince you to at the very least eat less meat.

Here’s a sample from his list:

I am boycotting the least efficient food product to create. Pound per usable pound, meat costs us 30 to 100 times more water than it’s nutritional equivalent in plant foods, not to mention the plants that are also fed to the animals (food consumption of animals is a heated topic because some farmers use recycled waste material with their feed to reduce their figures, so I’m not even going to try to add some figures here). Why isn’t meat more expensive if it costs so much to make? Read on to find out.

Live 14 Years Longer

A new study has reached the conclusion that by making a small change in your diet you can live up to 14 years longer. Oh, you’ll have to exercise regularly as well. The key is to limit alcohol consumption, not smoke, exercise, and eat your veggies.

The study, published Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine, included about 20,000 healthy people in the United Kingdom between the ages of 45 to 79. Lead researcher Kay-Tee Khaw, of the University of Cambridge, said people who followed the four rules lived on average 14 years longer than their peers who continued to indulg

“These results may provide further support for the idea that even small differences in lifestyle may make a big difference to health in the population and encourage behaviour change,” the study said.

No More Junk on TV

I couldn’t resist that headline, but it’s close enough. The UK has decided to ban ads that sell junk food to young teens and children.

A total ban on adverts for unhealthy food and drink products around TV programmes for under-16s has come into force.

It extends similar restrictions already in place for shows aimed at children under 10 years old.

The new curbs affect commercials for food and drink products high in fat, salt and sugar.

Adverts around youth-oriented and adult programmes which attract a significantly higher than average proportion of viewers under-16 will also be affected, Ofcom said.

Positive Spin on Negative Food Side Effects

Easting can make you healthier, happier, and sometimes feel not too good. Dumb Little Man has compiled a list of 10 food side effects that you ought to be aware of. Sure, he points out (for the most part) annoying or negative side effects, but by being aware of them we can improve our diets and eat all healthy.

Kidney stones. People whose diets are high in animal protein and low in fiber and fluids may be at higher risk for stones. Several studies have shown that increasing dietary calcium and restricting salt, animal protein, and foods rich in oxalate, such as rhubarb, spinach, cocoa, nuts, pepper, and tea, can help prevent calcium oxalate stones from returning.

Broccoli May Prevent Skin Cancer

I like eating the minature green trees known as Broccoli and so when I saw this headline I thought “great, less chance of skin cancer!” Then I found out that what the researches did was spread broccoli juices on patient’s skin. I don’t think I’ll be doing that, but still it’s good to see that broccoli may prevent skin cancer 🙂

In a demonstration of the plant’s anti-cancer properties, investigators smeared broccoli sprout extract on the skin of six volunteers for three days, and then exposed them to high doses of ultraviolet radiation, which is the leading cause of skin cancer.

They found there was an average 37 percent less redness and sunburn in the patches covered by broccoli extract. Redness and sunburn are an indication of skin damage that could lead to cancer.

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