The internet is a great resource for connecting people to people and connecting people to services and new ideas. Cuba, like other developing nations, has had a hard time connecting to the internet because of the sheer cost (laying cables underwater isn’t cheap!); and for Cuba the costs are higher since they can’t connect to the internet via nearby Florida. Despite these issues Cubans are getting online.
Over the past couple of years wifi has been made more accessible thanks to chapter technology and lessening of laws. Cubans are getting online in a way that is very unfamiliar to the rest of us and over at Huck Magazine they wrote about the experience.
There, demands overlap out loud like a public protest in which each person calls in their wish for a different future to come true.
The stories of the crowd emerge, each with its own voice, volume and hopes for a life that might some day include them.
From the other side, they are shown rooms, the view from a window, the neighbourhoods where their children or siblings have managed to settle.