One Hour to Happiness

If you have ever found yourself in need of a quick pick-me-up, this tip sheet is for you!

Here are some sample tips:

6. Do a good deed: make an email introduction of two people who could help each other, or set up a blind date, or shoot someone a piece of useful information or gratifying praise. Do good, feel good—this really works. Also, although we often believe that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. When you act in a friendly way, you’ll strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

3. Rid yourself of a nagging task: answer a difficult email, purchase something you need, or call to make that dentist’s appointment. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a big rush of energy and cheer, and you’ll be surprised that you procrastinated for so long.

Friday Haiku Day

Friday Haiku day
What kinds can you come up with?
Because they are great.

Want an idea?
I found this great craigslist thread
Some of them are COOL

Here are my contributions for the day…

David Suzuki
Has a wicked foundation
We can save the World


I really love bjork
She’s coming to Toronto
I am extatic!!

Sleep Naked (it’s healthy) is a small, but persuading, campaign about why people should sleep naked.

Not only is sleeping naked more comfortable, but it’s good for your health too. Increasing your level of comfort makes it easier for you to relax and sleep…
If you sleep with a partner, being naked heightens the level of intimacy between you, and you are likely to have sex more often. You may also feel closer to your partner as a result of sleeping naked with them

I guess one can also argue if people sleep naked less pajamas will be bought thereby saving the environment a little.

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