Band of the Month: The Nursery

Happy New Year!

This months band is The Nursery.

Riddled with unforgettable guitar and synth driven hooks, in an impeccably well organized fusion of soulful, oddball pop-rock and dreamy folk, The Nursery stand alone and defy genres with their upbeat sound. Tied together by lyrical and vocal prowess, their songs are cohesive and ear catching.
Carnival Nature, the band’s first album is a perfect summary of their quirky catchiness. Laden with unorthodox instrumental splashes of sound effects, The Nursery hone an experience that is truly carnival nature.

Check them out below, and on stage Jan 30th at Bovine Sex Club in Toronto with other local ensembles Human Bodies, and Osooyos.

Band of the Month by Greg O’Toole

Band of the Month: Dusted

December’s Band of the Month is Toronto duo, Dusted.

With sweet, soaring lo-fi, elevated by lonely but hopeful vocal and synth melodies, Dusted is able to combine restful patience and momentum cohesively, throughout the movement of each song.
Dusted is a gentle audio journey to accompany the ensuing snowfalls of December and the winter months to follow.

Take a listen below!

Greg O’Toole

Band of the Month: LadyFace

Happy Friday!

Today’s Band of the Month is LadyFace. A charming, guitar driven Toronto four-piece, who’s hooks are dead set on having you singing them in your sleep. Chalk full of friendly, fist-in-the-air choral anthems and memorable melodies, LadyFace also exposes a softer side with sweet and sensitive ballads. LadyFace’s first album, When We Go!, is a perfect display of their dynamic ability and the power of a poignant refrain.

Check out the link below to hear some of their tunes, and see them on stage tomorrow at the El Mocambo with Bonwit Teller and SCISSORKICK.

BOTM by Greg O’Toole

Band of the Month: Craig Brown

Happy Friday, readers.
After a two month hiatus, Band of the Month is back!

Today’s band is Craig Brown. A multi-instrumentalist and producer with a great gift of transforming life’s celebrations, insights, and reflection into song, both musically and lyrically.

Craig Brown has just released his sixth album, Hysteresis. Colourfully upbeat and joyously dynamic, Hysteresis is bouncing with progressive, yet accessible melodies from beginning to end. Seldom seen on stage, Craig’s time in the studio has proven hours well spent. Check out some tunes from his bandcamp below.

Band of the Month by Greg O’Toole

A Protest Song About the NSA Reading Your Emails

The band YACHT has gone back to the glory days of Dylan and the like by writing a protest song. The song is about the NSA illegal spying the USA, which should bother pretty much anyone who cares about privacy. Until now, there was no good news to mention about the questionable actions revealed by Edward Snowden so hat tip to YACHT for singing what we all think.

“We claim full citizenship in the nation of Internet,” Evans told me over email, by way of explanation. “We wouldn’t be where we are if it weren’t for the existence of an open, free, and direct line to our fans–and to the world.” The idea that an intelligence agency could be listening-in struck Evans and Bechtolt as, well, creepy. “The analogy we’ve been using is that nobody wants to dance when there’s cops in the club,” says Evans.

The song came first, but soon after came the idea of putting it to work. The song became a pay-what-you-wish fundraising website for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, one of the best-known advocacy groups pushing to keep the Internet free. Evans says the donations have rolled in “steadily” since the site launched, with the largest single donation coming in at $30.

Read more here.

As always, check out our the band of the month if you like music.

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