Natural Architecture

Natural Architecture

Using trees to create shelter is nothing new, but it’s something neat when the trees are grown in a way that provides shelter while the trees can continue to live. Indeed, regular readers may remember that furniture has been made out of growing trees in particular ways. Arborsculpture can also be taken further into actually making large buildings, and this is called natural architecture.

the ‘natural architecture’ movement aims to expand on ‘land art’
by acting as a form of activism rather than protest. this new
form of art aims to capture the harmonious connection we
seek with nature by merging humanity and nature through
architecture. the core concept of the movement is that
mankind can live harmoniously with nature, using it for our
needs while respecting its importance.

Broccoli May Prevent Skin Cancer

I like eating the minature green trees known as Broccoli and so when I saw this headline I thought “great, less chance of skin cancer!” Then I found out that what the researches did was spread broccoli juices on patient’s skin. I don’t think I’ll be doing that, but still it’s good to see that broccoli may prevent skin cancer 🙂

In a demonstration of the plant’s anti-cancer properties, investigators smeared broccoli sprout extract on the skin of six volunteers for three days, and then exposed them to high doses of ultraviolet radiation, which is the leading cause of skin cancer.

They found there was an average 37 percent less redness and sunburn in the patches covered by broccoli extract. Redness and sunburn are an indication of skin damage that could lead to cancer.

Things Are Good Film Screening

Planet in FocusThe Planet in Focus film festival opened last night in Toronto and Things Are Good is proud to announce that we are sponsoring a screening!!

This Sunday we’ll be sponsoring a double-feature of Remember Chek Jawa and Third Ward TX; two films that celebrate positive things that people have done. More info below.

Sunday Oct. 28th
5:00 pm
Innis Town Hall

We have only 14 tickets left, so if you’d like to buy one please email me at Adam (at )

Read more

Be Fit, Be Smart

Exercise is not only good for you health but also good for your ability to use your brain. Sure, you can stick to sodoku, but to be really smart it seems your best option is to accompany that with some old-school Exercise.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, which show the brain at work, were performed on a percentage of children in each group and found those who exercised had different patterns of brain activity during an executive function task.

“Look what good it does when they exercise,” says Dr. Davis. “This is an important public health issue we need to look at as a nation to help our children learn and keep them well.”

Via the CBC health blog

Designing for a Sustainable Future

An Australian industrial designer, Paul Charlwood, has decided that disposable design is a waste. We’ve talked about consumerism here before and how it has a negative effect on the environment, but Charlwood wants to change our mind on that matter by encouraging consumerism to be something that can last.

Once Charlwood turned his mind to sustainability it meant reassessing his design philosophies. He decided he no longer wanted to design throwaway products, which led to him embracing “classic design” – products that you don’t need to, or want to, discard.

Charlwood’s conversion to environmentalism has coincided with what he sees as a “second wave” of environmentalism.

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