Solar in Seville

The wonderful inhabitat has a post all about the solar generating that’s happening in Seville.

This tower, while not a new technology (see CESA-1), is part of a series of projects whose final aim is to provide enough green energy for 180,000 homes, or most of the population of Seville. The final project, able to produce over 300MW, will include a series of towers, two more of which are being built, and standard photovoltaic power plants, as well as a mixture of newer parabolic solar collectors which will be installed at a later stage. The entire power plant will be operational by 2013. And here’s the most impressive part. The entire development, once it’s operational, will generate zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon Tracking Software for Cities

Not only has Clinton and comrades found $5 billion to spend to help cities green themselves, they have created software that tracks carbon outputs for entire cities!

The new software and Web applications are part of broader set of programs being introduced by the foundation led by former President Bill Clinton, who is speaking at the C40 climate summit this week for the mayors of the world’s largest cities.

The software tools aim to create a standardized way for cities all around world to measure their greenhouse gas emissions. With a common standard, cities would be able track the effectiveness of carbon-reduction programs

A Guide to Climate Change for the Perplexed

earth.jpgNew Scientist has a great article for people who are at all confused, misinformed, ignorant, or othwerise boggled by all this talk about climate change. They clarify many things that people may not know much about. It’s worth a read if you don’t think you know enough about climate change, or if you just want a reminder what climate change means.

Our planet’s climate is anything but simple. All kinds of factors influence it, from massive events on the Sun to the growth of microscopic creatures in the oceans, and there are subtle interactions between many of these factors.

Yet despite all the complexities, a firm and ever-growing body of evidence points to a clear picture: the world is warming, this warming is due to human activity increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if emissions continue unabated the warming will too, with increasingly serious consequences.

Record Your Thanks

There’s a new website out there on the interweb that wants to record what you are thankful for, it’s called the Journal of Gratitude. There, they invite you to tell the world what you are thankful for. Go ahead and tell them.

“Taking the time to list the things we’re grateful for helps us focus on what’s really important,” said Keith Cohn, Gimundo CEO. “It’s too easy to go through an entire day lost in the frustrations and hassles of living. This Journal of Gratitude is our way of spreading good thoughts and thankfulness throughout cyberspace. Think what a positive force this could be as people pass it around, read what others share and purposefully think about the good things in their own lives.”

Green Website for Kids

An Indian NGO has started a website directed at kids to educate them about the environment. OneWorld has a great description of the site with some good background too.

Indian NGO Center for Environment Education (CEE) is working to promote awareness and understanding of environmental issues in the country. It has recently introduced a website for children – – that allows children to explore and discover environment-related issues.

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