Save Paper Towels by Using a Sticker

these cme from trees

This simple sticker can make people aware that the toilet paper and paper towels come from tree. Apparently reminding people of this (also apparently) oft-forgotten fact can help protect the environment. Go order some stickers and put them up in your local coffee shop.

    Testing shows a “These Come From Trees” sticker on a paper towel dispenser reduces paper towel consumption by ~15%
    A typical fast food restaurant with two bathrooms can use up to 2000 pounds of paper towels a year
    The average coffee shop uses 1000 pounds of paper towels a year
    A single tree produces around 100 pounds of paper

Google Earth Exposes Darfur

Google Earth is now showing people unpleasant information about Darfur. The things that are happening in Darfur are in no way good – in fact, they are the opposite of good (bad). What is good about Google doing this is that it is bringing a lot of attention to people who need our help in the troubled region.

Find out more at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

From the first link:

The Internet search company Google is venturing into political territory. Together with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the popular online mapping service Google Earth inaugurated Tuesday a project to call attention to atrocities in the Darfur region of Sudan.

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