In what is probably a first for our planet, a small town in Australia has banned the selling of bottled water. This is absolutely fantastic to see because bottle water is an asinine idea for the developed world. Most bottled water comes form the same source as municipal tap water then shipped around via fuel-burning vehicles.
Bottle water is a fantastic model of inefficiency so it’s good to see this news coming out of Australia
“Every bottle today was taken off the shelf and out of the fridges so you can only now buy refillable bottles in shops in Bundanoon,” Dee told AFP.
The tiny town, two hours south of Sydney, voted in July to ban bottled water after a drinks company moved to tap into a local aquifer for its bottled water business.
“In the process of the campaign against that the local people became educated about the environmental impact of bottled water,” said Dee.
“A local retailer came up with this idea of well why don’t we do something about that and actually stop selling the bottled water and it got a favourable reaction,” he said.
Dee said the 2,000-person town had made international headlines with their bid, which he hoped would spur communities across the world to action.
This is the most stupidest post on the internet.
Who gives a s_ _ _ about some idiots in Bandadoon.
They whole thing is not about the environment and never was.
May be people should care to find out what’s really behind it all before they start talking and re-posting.
It was after the town losing a court appeal against a water bottling company they decided to boycott against bottled water.
So at the expense of every person in town and every tourist, these idiots who were backed up by Culligans Water filters, ( who are upset that they are losing so much business to bottled water) decided to ban bottled water in their town, it has nothing to do with the environment.
If they really cared about the environment they would have banned all beverages in plastic bottled to start with.
So people, the whole thing with bundadoon is all bullsh_ _.
Wow, I really don’t know how to respond to that surprisingly bitter comment. Well, at least I can point out that it’s the internet you can swear if you want to – nobody is stopping you.
Bottled Water company’s displace billions of gallons of water per year, if it takes banning bottled water in a single community at a time to stop this from continuing than that’s what it will take. When a company goes into a community to bottle water, they are taking away a natural resource from that community. It’s not economically sound.
Bottled Water company’s displace billions of gallons of water per year, if it takes banning bottled water in a single community at a time to stop this from continuing than that’s what it will take. When a company goes into a community to bottle water, they are taking away a natural resource from that community. It’s not eco friendly.