Yesturday was the 20th annual National Anti-McDonalds Day. Every year on October 16th people all over the World come together in peaceful protest against this corporate junk food giant to raise awareness about subjects such as McDonalds damaging the environment, exploiting workers, cruelty towards animals and for targeting youth in their ad campaigns. The date of protest was started by the London branch of Greenpeace in 1985 and was chosen because October 16th is also the United Nations World Food Day.
You can visit the official anti McDonalds site here for more information on the company and can also download a version of their “whats wrong with McDonalds” leaflet to learn more about why there is controversy behind the Mc Giant.
16 thoughts on “Anti McDonalds Day!”
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Ok, but can I still buy some fries?
I have been boycotting McDonalds for 6 years now… not a single french fry. In certain circles this is far harder than one might think.
Also CBC was showing this documentary which takes a look at a particualr case brought against McDonalds in England. might be worth looking into.
I had no idea such a day existed.
There is a god!
Lol this is Tasha of Doggy givin a shout out too all the MCdonalds fans out there keep
reppin’ it up peeps dont let them win, brb going to eat my BigMac
This is turning into a very long (temporally at least) and bizarre comment thread.
i dont like mcdonalds
but i do still eat hungry jacks or as someplaces its called burger king
mcdonalds chips are wrong and there burgers are gritty and sloppy
and would be happy to fight against mcdonalds
to the fat person that was so rude to every one that protests against mcdonalds
if you love mcdonalds so much than fine go eat it every day and become fat and
die of a heart problem but not me take away once every 2 weeks is all i want
who would want to waste there life away .thats why im fighting to shut mcdonalds down
heada cle you cant get rid of us hahaha
you clen tolets
rhogan searle yo ar gay dont abuse a fellow friend you work for burgr king cleaning toilets yu sadooooooo
Cant get rid of us that easy Biatch! and if you want to Email me heres my adress
Btw do You lot work for The Burger King?? Cause i dont like the way you are against Pervert
Ronald 🙁
ye me too pervert
Id like to Thank everybody at http://Www.Thingsaregood.Com you have give us great amusment in our
ICT Lessons and Ive came to a Conclusion that the only way you can stop us is to KILL
THE BURGER KING!!!! Or Close down the Website 😛
thanx 2 search engine and turkey sandwich for holding
this fight against sik people hu r anti mcdonalds adam
clare and rhogan searle go bak 2 burger king and clean
Well! I’m glad people are aware of the garbage Mcdonalds is selling for food!
People don’t be ignorants, stop eating these garbage! is nothing but manufactured products, which means chemicals! if you like burger and fries, fine make them yourself! is that easy….(period)
Я тоже иногда такое замечал, но как-то раньше не придавала Ñтому значениÑ.
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