Collision 2023 Day 3

The final day of Collision conference and there are still more startups to write about. It’s neat that there are so many companies looking to address the UN SDGs!

Loop wants to be the so called middleman, and that’s good. They are on a mission to make it super easy and simple to buy/sell children’s items from other parents in your local community. They will literally handle pickup and delivery of kids items you want to resell.

Everyone knows we need to get cars off the road, and one way to do that is to encourage car sharing instead of car owning. RideALike is a new car share company with a slightly different business model similar to AirBnB.

Future Fields genetically modifies fruit flies to produce proteins and other biomolecules. The output can then be used to make vaccines, insulin, or other useful bio products. This is a really neat approach to speeding up production of biomolecules and doing so in a green fashion. The CEO of the company told me that the fruit flies can’t escape because they are genetically engineered to have curved wings.

Today I had to park at a bike rack further away from the entrance. It’s good to see so many people using two wheels to attend Collision. Let’s hope for more bike parking next year.

Collision 2023 Day 2

I’m back at Collision Conference for another day of finding startups doing good in the world. Let’s see what today brings.

Ensogo provides a system for teams to track and ensure they are meeting their ESG and sustainability goals. They do this by breaking down an abstract goal like better gender parity into concrete actions organizations can take.

Fenri focuses on ensuring clean water and proper wastewater treatment. They use a combination of sensors and cameras to monitor water systems in real time. This helps companies and governments better plan and react to changes in their water system. Their system can connect to government monitoring regulators too.

South Pole is a sustainability consulting firm to help other companies achieve their sustainable goals. They provide carbon offsets and insights into how companies can best reduce their carbon footprint.

Despite the smoke from the wildfires the bike racks were yet again full.

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