Helps Toronto Win Right to Remove Billboards

We’ve followed the hard work of before and now they’ve helped Toronto city council win a case in court against billboards companies. The Ontario Supreme Court ruled that Toronto has the right to take down illegal billboards primarily because there is a large public outcry. This is a far cry from banning billboards (like in Sao Paulo), but this… Read more »

Bad Signs, Good Blog

Here in Toronto city hall continues to not act on taking down illegal signs, even in their own neighbourhood. There are a lot of them, and I mean a lot. It’s rather shocking actually. What’s a Torontonian going to do? Start a blog about it at! is a team of volunteers who fight illegal billboards and this is… Read more »

Artist Asks How’s My Advertising?

Posterchild is a Toronto-based artist who is sick of all the illegal billboards in the city and decided to do something about it by using art. One can hope that other cities follow in São Paulo lead by banning billboards in the city. Until then, we have artists. Last Monday—using data gleaned from Rami Tabello’s—Posterchild stenciled solicitations for feedback… Read more »

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