Talking to yourself is a good way to reason through problems, so there’s no reason to feel awkward about your big debates you have with yourself while walking down the street. At least according to some new research from a few universities.
This new research in questions stems from TalkÂing Aloud PartÂner Problem-Solving (TAPPS) which is meant to help people reason through problems while a person just listens. It turns out that the partner’s role is negligible.
In recent research on TAPPS, reported in the UniÂverÂsity of Arkansas pubÂliÂcaÂtion Research FounÂdaÂtions, Spring 2011, the author noted that the increased speed and effecÂtiveÂness of partÂner problem-solving has litÂtle to do with the monÂiÂtor and much to do with the probÂlem solver’s own behavÂior; thinkÂing aloud or TA. The conÂstant verÂbalÂizaÂtion of their thoughts out loud encourÂaged the probÂlem solvers to conÂtinÂuÂously corÂrect faulty steps in logic. The causal mechÂaÂnism of sucÂcess was the problem-solver’s metacognition.
Another study on talkÂing aloud reported in the jourÂnal Aging, NeuÂropsyÂcholÂogy, and CogÂniÂtion carÂries the intriguÂing title, “How to Gain Eleven IQ Points in Ten MinÂutes: ThinkÂing Aloud Improves Raven’s MatriÂces PerÂforÂmance in Older Adult.†At the end of the artiÂcle, folÂlowÂing the usual idenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion of study limÂiÂtaÂtions, the authors stated, “NonetheÂless, these studÂies proÂvide some eviÂdence that indiÂvidÂuÂals with lower fluid abilÂity (e.g., chilÂdren and older adults) may benÂeÂfit most from conÂcurÂrent verbalization.â€