Japan is looking to offshore “eco-rigs” to create energy. This project sounds like it’s from the future or something.
The floating eco-rig generators which measure 1.2 miles by 0.5 miles (2km by 800m) are intended to harness the energy of the Sun and wind. They are each expected to produce about 300 megawatt hours of power.
Some energy would be lost moving the electricity back onshore, but when three units are strapped together, scientists at Kyushu University say, the effect will be the same as a standard nuclear power station.
The eco-rigs’ gift to the environment does not stop there: some of the power that the solar cells and wind turbines produce will be hived off to fuel colossal underwater banks of light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
The lamps are intended to convert the platforms into nurseries for specially selected seaweed that absorbs carbon dioxide and feeds fish and plankton. Deep-sea water that is rich in minerals will enhance the seaweed growth. The wind turbines will power pumps that will then draw the water to the surface.The rigs will be unmanned and comprise several hexagonal platforms.
This doesn’t make sense: “300 megawatt hours of power”
300 Megawatts is good. That’s an amount of power and it is produced continuously. Similarly, a 100 watt bulb uses 100 watts, continuously.
But 300 MW is a unit of *energy*, not power.
Sorry, 300 “Megawatts hours” is a measure of energy. This implies that the generator will produce a certain amount of energy and then permanently shut down.
I don’t think this is what they mean, but the original writer is unclear.
300 Megawatts is a measure of power and implies that it will continue producing that without end.