Rent it Online

How much stuff do you have sitting at home right now that you don’t use….but don’t want to get rid of it cause you might need it? Why not rent it out online? The Ebay for renting is finally here with (still in Alpha testing). When you need a thing for 1 day out of 365 rent instead of buying and save a buck and the planet.

A good example of how this can work is landmovers. Why should everyone has their own mower if they will only use it a couple of hours a week and there is a perfectly good mover a house away? I would love to see streets organize themselves and collectively buy one mover for all residents. So I emplore those of you with needs for landmovers, drills, boats, whatever it maybe to check to rent it before you buy. The more we rent instead of buy, the less environmental impact we have.

Renting your home could save you money, especially if you take advantage of this rental rebate.

Ship it safe, ship it popcorn

Until now Lush, a British cosmetics company, used shredded paper in the boxes in which it sold soaps, massage bars and other delicate items. As part of its drive to be greener, Lush has come up with a great solution for packaging: instead of using polystyrene chips to keep fragile items intact in the post, the chain is now using an edible and far more biodegradable solution: popcorn!

Popcorn packaging is just another example of how natural materials can replace many supposedly superior man made materials. The popcorn packaging will obviously reduce the amount of paper used by the chain. I would like to see if the popcorn will be grown locally and organically and reused or at least eaten. However, a side effect of this is that transport emissions will also be reduced, since popcorn is 60% lighter than paper.

24 Goes Carbon Neutral

“Jack Bauer can do anything!” – Everyone

“Can he kick Global Warming’s butt?” – Me

“The show is going carbon neutral.” – Everyone

Well that might be a long way away from saving the planet from man made destruction, but the effort should be applauded none the less. And I mean, come one, he has his hand full with terrorists. In their final season, 24 plans to cut emmision by:

* Use biodiesel to power generators and production vehicles
* Run all on-stage production activities on green power
* Integrate fuel-saving and low-emission hybrid vehicles into the production fleet
* Rewire an entire stage to use electric power (which will be purchased green power), rather than diesel-generated power


Last time I talked about Mushroom houses was when I watched cartoons. Ok, ok I still watch cartoons. Point is I never thought about using mushrooms to make my home. On the other hand, Eben Bayer a soon to be graduate from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, is trying to do it. Using mushroom spores Eben has developed a process to add insulation value and possibly even strong “growable” homes. According to CCNews,Mushroom Paper

“A dual major in mechanical engineering and product design and innovation, Bayer has developed an environmentally friendly organic insulation. The patented combination of water, flour, minerals, and mushroom spores could replace conventional foam insulations, which are expensive to produce and harmful to the environment.

“The insulation is created by pouring a mixture of insulating particles, hydrogen peroxide, starch, and water into a panel mold,” Bayer says. “Mushroom cells are then injected into the mold, where they digest the starch producing a tightly meshed network of insulating particles and mycelium. The end result is an organic composite board that has a competitive R-Value – a measurement of resistance to heat flow – and can serve as a firewall.”

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