Batteries Still Work in Winter

The myth that batteries are useless in the winter continues to spread despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This myth has slowed the uptake of elective vehicles, which is a bad thing. The CEO of a an EV car company is trying their best to dispel that myth and get consumers to understand that batteries do work even when it’s cold outside. In fact, fossil fuel cars which are a direct cause of the climate crisis are worse than EVs in the winter.

“The number of stories that talked about EVs that weren’t operating properly in that time was staggering,” Scaringe said. “There wasn’t a single story about the thousands and thousands of combustion vehicles that didn’t start that morning because of the cold weather.”

While EVs have gotten a bad rap when it comes to cold weather, a recent study showed the challenges that EVs face from extreme cold weather are actually less than those encountered by gas-powered cars, concluding that EVs are “almost twice as good as fossil cars in the cold.”

“The desire to tell a negative story was so strong and so surprising to me — it was so biased,” Scaringe told TCD. “All we can do is continue to try to balance the story with the facts and a true story.”

Of course, the best thing to do is not drive any car; and we should focus on sustainable transportation solutions like bicycles and public transit. Cars are harmful not just because of their emissions.

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Thanks to Micheal!

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