Vinegar to Solve all Problems

Vinegar is one powerful cleaning agent, and one that can be sued for almost anything it seems. People ought to use vinegar instead of all those freaky chemical based cleaning solvents.

Here’s a list of the powers of vinegar:

– Clean the microwave by boiling a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar until it steams up. Wipe clean.

– Add vinegar to a hand-pump compressed-air sprayer to kill weeds and grass growing in crevices in a patio and walkways.

– Make any dried bean dish less gassy or stinky by adding 1/4 cup vinegar to the soaking water.

– Make catsup and other condiments last longer when the bottle is almost empty by adding a little vinegar and shaking.

– Spread a cloth soaked in vinegar over a price tag you want to remove and leave overnight.

– Get rid of fruit flies by setting out a small dish of vinegar—it will attract and drown them.

16 thoughts on “Vinegar to Solve all Problems

  1. hello
    i would like to add to this list
    for acid intergestion drink a good gulp of any vinegar
    the more serious the problem drink a little more…
    wait 2 min. this may hurt(sting)but if you give it time and relax
    bam back to normal
    drinkers pay attention to this one
    i swear by it
    sinists suffer
    tim henry
    port credit,ontario

  2. put vinegar,diluted slitely, on a cloth or face washer and place on your forehead. to reduce high temp or done at nitetime…….great site guys, keep it up….Vince adelaide.Australia..

  3. Use a little vinegar and WARM water to mop laminate floors. Safer for the integrity of the floors.

  4. If you suffer from gall bladder flare ups, drink a swig of vinegar, cleans out the bile ducts and pain is gone. This has saved me from surgery!!

  5. White vinegar is good for cleaning, but drink raw, organic cider vinegar every day for health and vitality, it’s great!

  6. Can anybody give me advice on laminating my floors quickly? I liked the article on laminating . it was informative


  7. Очень интересные мысли, хорошо рассказано, все просто разложено по полкам 🙂

  8. merci beaucoup pour cette information, Merci pour un autre blog d’information , suivre votre travail, webmaster !

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