World Cup Scores!

The World Cup has scored a green goal! Sorry, I couldn’t resist such cheesy writing. Seriously though, the World Cup organizers in Germany have surpassed their own goal of making the event have a small ecological footprint as possible. One thing they wanted to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that normally would have been released for such a large event by encouraging bike riding and riding public transit. They did more too!

“There are water-free urinals, overflow limiters on the wash-basins and electricity-saving measures, which are all things that save resources but go virtually unnoticed. The fans also don’t get to see the solar panels on the stadiums, which is a shame.”

Chinese Eco-Cities

The Guardian has reported that a few British companies have signed contracts to help build some environmentally friendly cities in China.

From the article “The eco-cities are regarded both as a prototype for urban living in over-populated and polluted environments and as a magnet for investment funds into the rapidly growing Chinese economy.”

It is arguable, and I suppose ironic, that the way that the Chinese government is structured that makes initiatives like this feasible, unlike in many Western nations. The article was also published before the recent oil spill, but the oil spill has sparked demands for more environmental action (thanks, Emily!).

For more information on the technical aspects of the first sustainable city check out the press release from Arup. This is a huge step in the right direction for China (which is notorious for poor environmental protection) and further places China in an international lead when it comes to environmentally friendly societies.

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