The 5 Second Rule

The infamous 5-second rule is true. You know, it’s the rule when you drop food on the ground and it’s still good for 5-seconds so you can still eat it. Basically, a lot of surfaces are actually cleaner than we think so they don’t contain a lot of bacteria. I’ve also heard that it some bacteria (and some other gross things) need more time to cling to food than just 5-seconds.

“”Jillian swabbed the floors around the University in the lab, hall, dormitory, and cafeteria to see how many organisms we could isolate,” Agle tells WebMD. “We examined the swabs, and there were very few microorganisms. That surprised me. I told her to do it again.”

The results were the same. Agle has since earned her doctoral degree and is a scientist in new product development for Rich Foods in Buffalo, N.Y. “I think the floors were so clean, from a microbiological point of view, because floors are dry, and most pathogens — like salmonella, listeria, or E. coli — can’t survive without moisture.” “

‘Bloodless’ Surgery becoming more popular

Surgical techniques that do not require blood transfusions are becoming more and more popular, according to an article on MSNBC. Surgeons use a variety of techniques and technologies to minimize or remove the need for costly blood transfusions during surgery.

These bloodless operations were once only available to Jehova’s Witnesses, who’s religion prohibits blood transfusions, but are now being offered tothe general public at many hospitals.

Transfusions are very costly, and also carry a risk of rejection by the patient. Many people opt to have transfusions of their own blood, drawn in advance, before a surgery. Bloodless surgery techniques save money and are better for the patient.

Algae Clears the Air

A rocket scientists has found a way to use algae in smokestacks to clean the smoke, and what’s more the byproduct of the algae is biodiesel! This means that corporate profit lovers can clean the air and make money off of it.

The algae consumes 60% of CO2 emissions from the test stacks and the smoke contained 86% less nitrous oxide!

Canada’s Supreme Court Says NO to Pesticides

The Supreme Court of Canada has thrown out a case that would have challenged the right of municipalities to ban pesticides in their communities.

A pesticide producer tried to challenge legislation passed in Toronto that banned the use of pesticides. This is a major step in Canada since the issue of spraying nature with chemicals as been for the most part ignored. The court’s decision means that wary municipalities can now ban pesticides without fear of a lawsuit.

Anti McDonalds Day!

Yesturday was the 20th annual National Anti-McDonalds Day. Every year on October 16th people all over the World come together in peaceful protest against this corporate junk food giant to raise awareness about subjects such as McDonalds damaging the environment, exploiting workers, cruelty towards animals and for targeting youth in their ad campaigns. The date of protest was started by the London branch of Greenpeace in 1985 and was chosen because October 16th is also the United Nations World Food Day.
You can visit the official anti McDonalds site here for more information on the company and can also download a version of their “whats wrong with McDonalds” leaflet to learn more about why there is controversy behind the Mc Giant.

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