Sicko Inspires Audience to Fight Injustices

After watching Sicko, an entire audience broke into conversation and grouped together to make their country better. If that’s not good enough, get this – it happened in Texas!

The talk gradually centered around a core of 10 or 12 strangers in a cluster while the rest of us stood around them listening intently to this thing that seemed to be happening out of nowhere. The black gentleman engaged by my redneck in the restroom shouted for everyone’s attention. The conversation stopped instantly as all eyes in this group of 30 or 40 people were now on him. “If we just see this and do nothing about it,” he said, “then what’s the point? Something has to change.” There was silence, then the redneck’s wife started calling for email addresses. Suddenly everyone was scribbling down everyone else’s email, promising to get together and do something… though no one seemed to know quite what.

Via boingboing.


I just watched Michael Moore’s new movie Sicko last night and let me tell you – it’s amazing! Sure, the movie is upsetting at points because you feel for all the poor people who suffer due to the American health care system. Granted, that isn’t good, but what is good is that Moore continuously reminds us that change is possible!

He shows us how the Canadian, English, Cuban, and French health care systems provide universal care for their citizens, and how great those systems are in comparison to the for-profit USA system. Being a Canadian, I was reminded about how good we have it in Canada, and makes me want to sign up on this site. Watch this movie, and get inspired to make a healthy change for this world.

Watch the movie below:

If the video above no longer works, just try this search. On a more cinematic note, this is Moore’s best film since Roger and Me (I found his last two lackluster).

Oral HIV Test Fast & Effective

Traditional HIV tests have used blood samples, but that has meant discomfort for the people being tested and not particularly easy to setup. Oral tests for HIV have been tested and have received positive feedback, people prefer the oral test than getting poked by a needle.

According to lead author Nitika Pai of the McGill University Health Centre, Canada, the test is simple and quick. Swabs of oral fluid are taken and tested for the presence of antibodies against HIV. “The test kit is all-inclusive. It contains the swab, a stand and test solution. You get the test result in less than 20 minutes,” Pai told SciDev.Net.

The study also found that 66% of those who did a blood test for HIV complained of discomfort, while only 8% of those who submitted to the oral test had complaints.


Documentary film maker Michael Moore is at it again with a new film hitting theaters in the coming year. It is titled “Sicko” and the film focuses on the American health care system.

A quote from his website:
“Back in February, I asked if people would send me letters describing their experiences with our health care system. I received over 19,000 of them. It was truly overwhelming as we literally took a month and read them all. To read about the misery people are put through on a daily basis by our profit-based system was both moving and revolting. That’s all I will say right now.”

It is always good when people care to speak out about the general well being of the public, however Michael Moore has also been subject to a fair share of critisism…many people have disregarded his films as extremist or incredibly one sided. Others argue that Michael Moore is extremely effective at getting his point across. One thing is for sure, the guy knows how to pack a movie theater.
The film Sicko will be released sometime in 2007. As for the past month Micheal has been keeping himself extra busy holding his second annual Traverse City Film Festival this which saw 50,000 festival goers last year. He hosts the festival as a venue for talented filmakers who’s films have gone undistributed despite the fact that they are undoubtedly deserving.

A busy guy that Michael!

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